lucise (10 out of 10 ) Great. It's funny, cool and so exciting too.
quinnie (10 out of 10 ) hahaha Aryana :P I like this too.
critic (1 out of 10 ) What has this script to do with the actual movie?
Ron DeMitchell (10 out of 10 ) It's a thrilling script!
Anthony P. (8 out of 10 ) I liked the movie. I have a very good idea what the world will look like in the future. This is possibly it.
Sami (10 out of 10 ) This should have been the actual movie. The movie was fantastic but I think this is even more thrilling & focuses more on Sonny, which is great.
ISR (7 out of 10 ) @ Critic: This script shows how a movie can change drastically over the course of its life from beginning to theatrical release. This is just a draft. The final would be line for line as the movie aside from some variation by actors. This said: I would love to see this draft made as it's a good copy.